Tiffany Rothman stars in the indie film “What Doesn’t Float” playing now in selected theaters. The film recently showed at Brain Dead Studios. Read more below an exclusive look inside Tiffany Rothmans role and the film!
THE BOTTLE COLLECTOR – I was fortunate enough to be in the wonderful indie film called : “ WHAT DOESN’T FLOAT “ produced by Pauline Chalamet and Rachel Walden and directed by Luca Balser.
I played a bottle collector in the first scene. I collected a great deal of bottles and put all of them on my semi broken cart. The film showed that it was hard work to be a bottle collector in Brooklyn, NY. Then, when the cart was tipped over by another person, all hell broke loose. That was what happened in this scene. A different male bottle collector played by the great actor Roger Howarth, crashed into my imperfect cart with his surfing board. My cart tipped over and most of the bottles and cans fell out. I got upset and yelled at him in Vietnamese, telling him to get away from me. Then, out of nowhere, a passer-by appeared, played by the beautiful actress, Alexandra Templar. She arrived at the scene when I had successfully drove Roger Howarth away. As he was walking away, she started to yell at him for abandoning me and leaving me to clean up the mess that he created. The chaotic situation was highly elaborated, as I pretended not to know any English. However, when I heard certain words mentioned by Alexandra Templar, I ran away…fast.
The study of the bottle collector ladies can be interesting. One article written by Sandy James Planner titled: “ Who are those Bottle ladies?” from indicates that: “ Despite their old clothes and there willingness to trudge the street for a few dollars, most of them are not homeless or desperately poor. Many have families. Quite a few have a government pension or other income. Many live with a son or a daughter and spend the daytime caring for grandchildren. They insist they never take money from anyone. The last thing they want is charity or pity.
Another article that I found proved to be quite fascinating from titled: “This Millennial is putting herself through school by collecting cans” written by Kate Gee Salisbury on July 29, 2016. It is about a college student who collected cans along the side of her mother after classes each day during afternoons, nights and weekends. She started at 5:30 AM, got to classes by 7AM, finished by noon at HUNTER college in Manhattan, NY, then after lunch she heads straight to the pick up spots. Each day, she and her mother ended up in different neighborhoods in Manhattan. They kept to their set schedule. They are able to make 900 dollars a week from picking 2,500 cans and bottles per day. It is not at all as peaceful and quiet as it may appear to be. Fights can happened over buildings with beer bottles and bags of cans left unattended can quickly be stolen and bullying is not uncommon for bottle collectors. It’s also a territorial business. Overall, the bottle collectors have to learn how to survive the street in order to function as bottle collectors. When I was living in NYC, I noticed a lot of them are older Asians women. I wonder how did they survived the pandemic.

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